Welcome to OCS Inventory NG community support, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community.

Please ask questions only in English or French.

Release 2.11.1 available

The official documentation can be found on http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org. Read it before asking your question.

Por Favor Como puedo solucionar SECURITY ALERT!

Luego de realizar el login se muestra lo siguiente

Your install.php exists in your installation directory.
The default SQL login/password is activate on your database: ocsweb
The default login/password is activate on OCS-NG GUI

El server esta en windows
in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi, please post in english.

  1. You must delete the install.php file from your installation directory.
  2. Change the defaluts values for the database.
  3. Change the password for the admin default user.

More information: http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php/Documentation:Secure

Hola por favor publica en ingles.

  1. Debes borrar el archivo install.php del directorio en el que esta instalado ocs
  2. Cambia los valores por omisión de la base de datos
  3. Cambia la contraseña del usuario administrador.

Más información (en ingles): http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php/Documentation:Secure

by (1.7k points)
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