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Release 2.11.1 available

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Upload one or more files to a single computer


we are using OCS, and it's really good. We love it.


Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, PHP 7.4.3, running through Apache2

OCS v2.9.2

What we need is the possibility to upload some PDF/Doc to each computer (i.e. computer warranty, invoice... and something like this.)

If this possibility is already included, how can I enable this feature?
in Administrative console by (250 points)

6 Answers

0 votes
Look at Deployement https://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/05.Deployment/Deploying-packages-or-executing-commands-on-client-hosts/

You can use it for deploy softwares, execute command, send (store) files, ...

(And you have information on deployement : for which PC it's ok, for wihich PC it's waiting, ...)
by (19.4k points)
0 votes
@jacquesh by using this way (Deployment), can I send the files to the computer, or I'll simply store the files on my server? (I need the second one, I need to store on server the documentation related to the computer)
by (250 points)
0 votes

Probably the better way is to add the possibility to add a file upload "field type" on the administrative data.

by (250 points)
+1 vote
I don't understand exactly what you want :

- with deployement, you can send easily one or many files to any computer

- with Administrative Data, you can add some informations on each materials : location, purchase date, end of warranty date, ...

Your screen is Administrative Data : in OCS, you don't have a way to store files : invoice, delivery note, ...

Many company use GLPI connected to OCS for doing this : GLPI is able to get inventory from OCS and store files for each computers
by (19.4k points)
0 votes
Thank you for your answer.

Yes I want to add files through Administrative data. I think that I'm going to avoid this problem adding for each computer a section called "Files" and add some text input for each useful information. For example Warranty, Invoice.. and I will fill these inputs with a link to google drive.

Thank you for your precious support!
by (250 points)
0 votes
It's a way : quite hard to maintain ...

Another idea : a webdav http server with a folder by hostname : you put and retrieve any files in material's folder (even with click and move ?), you can add an Administrative Data with the url of this http server : one click from the OCS material sheet directly in http ...
by (19.4k points)
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