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Release 2.12.3 available

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Hello Everybody,

in our company use ocs from years, this year started also using deploy of software

i've no issue with most of software until now, with an huge 16Gb installation of Autodesk Autostudio 2019

packaga data is not passed throug ocs (version 2.4) it's only passed a script that launch the installer from the main file server to avoid overloading

normally this installation take about 70-90 minutes to complete, but i received a


command execution timeout of 7200000 milliseconds reached.

after about 10 minutes of starting installation.

may be this is the issue, if the agent take the timing like the windows taskmanager idle time, take a second for each core on the system that has 24 phisical cores.

anybody experience this bug? and can suggest a solution? i've searched in all config files on both server (debian) than client (windows) and too in the database configuration table, but i've not been able to find anything that is this milliseconds timeout to modify.

Please, help us!

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

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