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Release 2.12.3 available

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MacOS Agent - Parameter SSL


MacOS agent check for certificat on the server despite SSL=0. No problems with Windows and Linux agents.

ocsng.log :

[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] Ocsinventory unified agent for UNIX, Linux and MacOSX 2.4.2
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] Log system initialised (File)
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] --scan-homedirs missing. Don't scan user directories
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] Accountinfo file: /var/lib/ocsinventory-agent/https:__server_ocsinventory/ocsinv.adm
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] OCS Agent initialised
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] Turns hooks on for /etc/ocsinventory-agent/modules.conf
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] Calling handlers : `start_handler'
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] Compress::Zlib is available.
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] Calling handlers : `prolog_writer'
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] sending XML
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][debug] sending: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Thu Nov 15 11:18:32 2018][error] Cannot establish communication : 500 SSL_ca_file /var/lib/ocsinventory-agent/https:__server_ocsinventory/cacert.pem does not exist



Where can I find all the parameters for the ocsinventory-agent configuration file.

Server : 2.5

Agent : Ocsinventory_Agent_MacOSX-2.4.2.pkg.zip



in OCS Inventory NG agent for MacOS X by (320 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

as linux agent config file is stored in /etc/ocsinventory-agent directory


by (90.4k points)
0 votes

Hi Frank,

Thanks for your answer. I find the directory, like I posted my configuration file :)

By "Where can I find all the parameters for the ocsinventory-agent configuration file?",  I wanted to know, in what documentation I can find the parameters for the MacOS agent. For the Windows Agent, there is an options.txt file with the executable.

I have the same option for my Linux client and my MacOS client, but I have the 500 SSL error for my MacOS client, I wanted to know if there is a parameter that can fix this.



by (320 points)
edited by
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