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Ocs Windows agent version to choose ? [urgent]


I have an ocs server version 2.4.1 and I want to install ocs agent on Windows IOT ENT LTSB 64 bits. Which is the best agent version to install that will be compatible with my ocs server as well as with my Windows clients machines.


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (310 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
2.4.0 should work - but you can use also any version below
by (25k points)
0 votes
i am sorry, i had overlooked that this was a special windows version (IOT) - i don't know if this works.
But if you don't have the ARM edition it could work perhaps - IOT Version seems very similar to the LTSB release
kind regards

by (25k points)
edited by
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