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Windows Product Key wrong


i'm using OCS-Server 2.4.1 on Linux, Windows Agent 2.4.0.

The Windows 10 product key is shown wrong in OCS.

BS-Name :Microsoft Windows 10Pro
BS-Version :10.0.17134
Architektur :x86 64 bit
Windows Lizenz-Nr. :VK7JG-.....
Agent-Version :OCS-NG_INJECTOR_PL_v3

The real key is : MGK6X-.....

In OCS, the key VK7JG... is displayed on many computers. The real key is different on these computers.

I'm using this :

OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe /S /local=C:\tmp

/usr/bin/perl OCSNG_UNIX_SERVER_2.4/binutils/ocsinventory-injector.pl --url http://ocs-server.xxx.de/ocsinventory -f <file from c:\tmp>

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (240 points)

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by (24.5k points)
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