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The Agent don´t Execute the Packages.


i can activate packages and deploy them with no errors, the Agent downloade them and try to Execute them, but then nothing happens.

The Download log shows the following:


Starting OCS Inventory NG Package Download and Setup Tool on Monday, January 14, 2019 11:31:04.
DOWNLOAD => Running OCS Inventory NG Download Version
DOWNLOAD => Using OCS Inventory NG FrameWork Version
DOWNLOAD => Using network connection with Communication Server
DOWNLOAD => Using Communication Provider <OCS Inventory NG cURL Communication Provider> Version <>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1547460519> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => High priority 0 package found, removing lower priority package from queue
DOWNLOAD => Executing action <LAUNCH> for package <1547460519>

Has anyone a Solution for this Problem? I tried it with different Commands, Files (.exe/.bat/.ini) and still staying at that point with nothing more. He shows me no Errors, too, so that i dont know what the Problem is.

Best Regards

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (640 points)
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16 Answers

0 votes


only on this package or all ?

if only this :

nothing after "DOWNLOAD => Executing action <LAUNCH> for package <1547460519>" ?

Check command "Lauch" (see doc : Deploying package through “Launch” command)

Check syntax in command, shoud be like "c:\my command.bat /S"


by (5.7k points)
0 votes
Thanks toutfait, but that doesent help me. It doesnt work for every package i want to deploy. Tried it with every command exactly like it stands in the documentation. The Save command works and saves the packages. The Rest is like i post it before. Same for LAUNCH and for EXECUTE.

by (640 points)
0 votes

Try to run package directly on client ? it works ?

only on this machine or all machine ?

If only this client try to uninstall agent (delete residual folders c:\ProgramData\OCS... and c:\Program Files (x86\OCS..) delete cient from your ocs, the reinstal agent and try deployement
by (5.7k points)
0 votes
just uninstall Client 2.4.0 and try version 2.5.0 - this version works 100 %
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
Thanks again toutafait,

but that doesnt work either.

The package ist saved on the Client and i can install everything from the download folder without any problem.

And i tried it with 3 Clients, everywhere the same issue.

And Sokatra, whre did i get the Agent Version 2.5? I see only 2.4 on the OCS Homepage.

Best Regards
by (640 points)
0 votes
Hi, I didn't know where you can found agent 2.5 (for me, the last version is 2.4 but I can be wrong).

Have you try to uninstall client (see my last post for détails) AND also delete content of c:\windows\temp.

user account is admin on machine ?

by (5.7k points)
0 votes
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
I deletet the Content of Temp and the other OCs Folders and reinstalled the Agent. Same Error.

And yes the User is an Admin Acc.

Best Regards
by (640 points)
0 votes
you could try the agent on a different client - just install virtualbox and create another windows machine. so you can verify that it isn't your ocs-server or your windows installation.

Kind regards
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
I installed it on another Computer, to try it. Same Issue. So it seems that it havent anything to do with the Computer.

Best Regards.
by (640 points)
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