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Release 2.12.3 available

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Not importing plugin information to server (2.6)

We have a fully functioning 2.6 install working and gathering information from our agents.
We have successfully installed 3 plugins, ensuring we use the newer re-work scripts from github that are compliant with 2.6.
The .VBS files function correctly on the Windows agent when manually executed.

The Server is showing the relevant tables where the information would be populated

Nothing is actually uploaded to the server from the plugin script.
Please help.
in External plugins by (160 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

Without details we can't help you. Which plugins have you installed and have you had errors during the installation?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hi Frank,

We tried multiple plugins, bitlockerstatus-rework-fork, winupdates-rework-fork, and security 2.0 and uptime 2.0.
We installed these via the web gui and didn't have any issues installing.
Could it be the updates install the web code but do not register the new information within the database? Not skilled in DB navigation so not 100% sure how to check and confirm.
I have outputted a manual XML file on the client and can confirm the XML file contains the information from the .VBS scripts when they are executed, also removed the VBS files and generated an XML file to compare and could the see the information was absent when the VBS files are not present. This confirms the client side is good.

by (160 points)
0 votes

you must copy the Plugin conf (in the ZIP Folder APACHE) to /etc/ocsinventory-server/Plugins and Change User and owner to WWW-data and set chmod 755

in the Directory /etc/ocsinventory-server/perl/Apache/Ocsinventory/Plugins make a Folder with the Pluginname z.B. Uptime and copy the Map.pm into it. user and owner WWW-data

Restart Apache

The Web-Install dosn't copy the files

by (360 points)
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