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how to install the Ocs agent on Red Hat 8


recently we are trying to install the agent on redhat 8 and we cannot.

Please update the instructions.

Many thanks!
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (370 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

Which errors have you?


by (90.4k points)
0 votes
thanks for looking into it.

When trying with the fedora rpm,
There are perl packages dependency issues
When trying with cent 7 rpm even more dependency problems.

A gist or documentation update would be useful

many thanks!
by (370 points)
0 votes
there are no rpms for Redhat 8. RPMS have been made for CentOS/RHEL7. Try to install the agent manually with the tar.gz archive.


by (90.4k points)
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