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Release 2.12.3 available

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Time between inventories on Centos/Red Hat machine

People, I have installed several Linux Red Hat 7.x and Centos 7.x machies with OCS Inventory Unix Agent.

In each machine, the time between inventories is setup in the cron file:


making reference to:


where I can see the parameter:

# Wait before inventory
OCSPAUSE[0]=100  (what is 100? 100 minutes ?)

On this way, the inventory is made every hour (1 hour). And in my OCS Inventory server I have setup PROLOG_SEQ = 24 hs.

How can I control the time between inventories ? Suppose I have to have inventories every 12 hs.

Thanks a lot,

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (340 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

OCSPAUSE[0]=100 indicates that the agent waits 100 seconds before contacting the server. This option runs like --daemon does.

For an inventory every 12h you have to change the cron job.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Dear, thanks for your response.

But let me ask you a short new question:

Is there any way to change the inventory frequency of linux agents from OCS server web interface, in place of doing that from the Linux machine ??? Because you tell me I have to change the cron task, and I'd like to manage the inventory frequency just from the OCS server....because I have several Linux machines in my inventory.

Thanks a lot.
by (340 points)
For that, you need to launch the agent in daemon mode : not from the cron.

The only way to change it from cron is to use the deployement feature or using a tool like ansible/puppet/chef.
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