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Release 2.12.3 available

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Inventary in more than one network

I have several offices of my company, how can I do to inventory the equipment from the headquarters.
I already have my ocs accessible from the outside, I just have to know how the teams are organized once the computers on my server have been invented so that they can be separated.
I hope it has been understood.


in IP Discover by (170 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Could you explain what exacly you want to get? Do you want every user could be connected to OCSserver even if will be out of office? If OCSserver is accessible from internet, clients will access it that way if they will have internet connection. On server you can set frequency of connecting to a OCSserver depending your needs.
For example I use 18h (this setting make connection is at different time of day).

That's it.
by (2.9k points)
0 votes
What I need is that the inventory of each entity believes it in different databases, since I use it together with GLPI and I need that each team is in the corresponding entity.

thank you
by (170 points)
0 votes
Are the machines from one company or many companies? You can use WORKGROUP names (applicable for all OS'es) for selecting company or (if they use OCS and shall not see each other in OCS) you can use diferent instances of OCS an then easiest way is to create Virtual Machines. But I'm not sure what say GLPI module for tha solution, can it use data from many OCS instances...

I use a local subnets for about 30 companies eg. Company One Company Two


You can name your subnets in ocs > Network>Admin
by (2.9k points)
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