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Error 500 on Sending Inventory Data to Server

Hey there!

I finally managed to install the OCSI on Ubuntu 20.04LTS
There are so many "HowTo" s but everyone is missing some parts. How ever.. the server is running right now. So far so good.
In my Test-environment I have 2 Clients (Both Windows 10 1909)
One Client does have a Sophos Home AV the other one just the windows Defender.

The one with the Sophos Protection won't talk fully to the OCSI Server. the Prolog conversation is starting but then only Code 515 with the ...;end;error at the end of the line.

The other System is getting 511 ...,deploy;no_file / 515 ...;end;bad_request / and 515 ...;end;error

Now I'm not sure what to do. I'm totally new to this Software and I want to bring it live.
Can someone help me?

btw. I already tried to install the whole system before on a 18.04 with a mariadb.. this did result in several SQL errors and even didn't work, as I inserted all correct credentials to all needed files.


Now, sometimes, the Prolog works, the client sends it's Inventory Data. But, then at the end, it fails by "Download disabled by Server"
where can I enable this?

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (380 points)
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7 Answers

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well.. maybe the 515 Error is an SQL error. That means, the Script is trying to insert a NULL Value into the database for some reason..

I also tried now the 2.4 client on my Win 10 Pro (v1909) 64 Bit. But with the same result.

No Data has been stored at the server.
While there is (obviously) the SQL Error 515, there are no fails with the credentials. But definitely something different went wrong.
Anyone any idea?


I figured out, that the initial Run of the client (if there's no entry in the DB yet) will send the "Prolog" and the client is fetching Data. But then, 

ERROR *** AGENT => Failed to send Inventory <HTTP Status Code #500>

and the activity Log shows up with: 

Wed May 13 22:09:15 2020;4075;515;TVPC-2020-05-13-22-04-10;[IP-ADDRESS];OCS-NG_WINDOWS_AGENT_v2.4.0.0;end;error

What am i doing wrong?

There are Entries in the database for both of my Computers.

But just with DeviceID and NULL entries 

I really don't know what I need to change/configure/add/remove to bring this thing to work...

Please help.


There is another row in the debug-log from the client...

WARNING *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Plugin <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\Saas.ps1> does not produce any output

I think, that might be a problem though, right?

Well, as far as I can see, this ps1 script reads out the dns-cache of the client. For what ever this is necessary. and it sets the language to french. Wouldn't it be more efficient if it is english?



by (380 points)
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Any errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log file ?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Nope, there are no errors in the error.log from the apache regarding this transfer.

But the thing with the saas.ps1 File which creates no output is a kind of a problem, right?
But even, if I remove this plugin out of the folder, the behaviour is the same.

any other suggestions?
by (380 points)
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version of ocs server, database server ?


by (90.5k points)
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It's an OCS 2.7 on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with actual MySQL Server (via apt install mysql-server)
by (380 points)
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Ok. I'll test with your version.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
there was an issue in the first place, which prevented me to run the install.php.

There was a try to set the "sqlmode" with "NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER" option.

The Installation process revoked to proceed while these lines were active. So I deleted all the "NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER" part out of three php files

These files:




. Then the installation process was able to be finished.
Is this a mariaDB thing? Because I installed the standard MySQL Server?
by (380 points)
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