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Release 2.12.3 available

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Upgrading 2.4.x agents on x64 systems


I had not upgraded my OCS-NG server and agent configuration for some time. Today I upgraded our server to All seems to be working fine on that end.

Next step was to upgrade the 32bit agent to the newest version.

Q1) Which version should one select to upgrade existing 32-bit agent installations, 32- or 64-bit?

In any case, I went ahead and used OCS-packager 2.6 to create an ocspackage.exe package based on the 64-bit agent. I also used ocslogon.exe to install this file to an existing 32-bit installation.

To do so I executed:

ocslogon.exe /packager /gpo /server=https://serverdns/ocsinventory /deploy=

... on a command line to simulate GPO-based deployment. It went well and the server is correctly receiving updates from the agent.

However, the new agent was installed in the existing directory, c:\program files (x86)\ocs... instead of c:\program files\ocs... Under the latter, a "plugins" subdirectory exists but nothing else.

Q2) Is this normal behaviour?

Q3) Will the 64-bit agent understand where it should download plugins deployed to it?

Q4) Finally, if I want to deploy say officepack to my systems, which path should be specified in the package deployment page, in order for the path to work for all systems? C:\Program Files (x86)\ocs... , c:\program files\ocs..., or some macro (%programfiles% / %programfiles(x86)% for example).

Thank you for any information provided.

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (260 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
Q1: i think the OCSpackage.exe  which will be uploaded to the OCS-Inventory server is depcreated... at least for me .. because you can't distinguish between 32 Bit or 64 bit .. some old operating system also only compatible with agent version (XP)

so i prefer to use a script which install the ocs-client to the client os

see here for more informations



and another script which can be helpfull in some situations


I would install

A 64 bit Client to 64 bit System

a 32 bit client to 32 bit Systems

and old ocs-agent to older OS systems

The last Windows XP compatible release is

Q2: haven't tried it

Q3: don't know

Q4: don't know right now
by (25k points)
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