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Release 2.12.3 available

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How to securise access to /download


Is there a way to securise the access to the following paths :

https://myocsserver/download for the info files

http://myocsserver/download for download package

I would like to hide theses directories for users without losing the functionnality of package deployment with the agent (because agent use theses directories to recover info files et package fragments).

I try to use AuthType Basic in my apache vhost and activate in my customsettings.ini AuthRequired=1 with credentials but it return a 401 error (my credentials work fine if i try to go  to the /download page).

Best Regards

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

perhaps this helps you...

i changed in


the line

<Directory "var/www/html"

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks


Options FollowSymLinks
and i  think

chmod 775 /var/lib/ocsinventory-reports/download

was correct for the download folder.. but i have to research it

take a look here


by (25.1k points)
edited by
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