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Release 2.12.3 available

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Can controll ALL OCS???

I have implemented ocs inventory in my company, I want to have complete control of the agent over the clients, to know which clients are not being inventoried, and why.

I do the inventory through GPO, with a start script, in principle it should not fail, but I would like to have more controlled the computers that are installing or trying to install.

If anyone knows any solution, please tell me
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (650 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
if you use gpo's than you can compare the AD computers with the computers which are inventoried.


I recommend that you install the complete ocs-inventory agent on all client computers.

If you use a login script .. you can parse errors "inventory send" via loginscript errors an save them to a central smb share.
Just adapt this script


Kind regards

by (25.2k points)
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