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Release 2.11.1 available

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Where does OCS read software inventory on Mac?

What files or inventory locations does the OCS agent read its installed software on a Mac computer. The software inventory is still showing applications installed that were previously removed so the data is inaccurate.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for MacOS X by (170 points)
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2 Answers

–1 vote

OCS Mac installed Ocsinventory_Unix_Agent-2.9.0-MAC, the number of ocs dashboard operating system has changed, but I can't click to view the status, can anyone help?

MacOS Monterey 12.0.1-Client 

by (160 points)
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0 votes
The answer does not address the question. This has nothing to do with finding the Operating System in the dashboard.

The issue is that OCS continues to report software that was previously removed. For example, install a piece of software and have the Mac check-in to the OCS server and report it's applications. Then, remove the application from the Mac and have it check in again. The result: the application is still reported as installed when it's not installed.

Where is OCS discovering that data if not directly from the Applications folder?
by (170 points)
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