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Deployment/Installation won't start

Dear OCS team,
I want to keep the software of ca. 45 PC updated with the help of the OCS deployment tool. For testing purposes I used the installation file of a small e-book reader; if I install it manually, everythink works fine, so the installation files are OK.
I created a package and uploaded it. Users have access to the download folder; at the scheduled time the download startet; a file builds.zip was created inside the %programdata%....../dowload/xxxxxxx folder, containing the installation files. The .exe-file is on the top level in the .zip-file and is a proper file, not an executable archive.
But the installation won't start after the user alerts. There are no errors in the log files. I have administrative rights and, as I wrote before, can manually install the software.
What did I do wrong? I obviously missed an aspect of the process, but simply can't find out what exactly.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)
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