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Release 2.12.3 available

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* ERROR * Copying files on remote host:

I am implementing the OCS software with the Deployment tool, if I deploy the 2.4 agent version everything is fine, if I deploy a higher version it gives me the following error:

Host <XXX> Testing connection to remote host...

Host <XXX> Trying to connect to remote host...

Host <XXX> Trying to get remote "Program Files" and "ProgramData" directories using Registry...

Host <XXX> *** Warning *** Unable to access Registry on remote host:  No se ha encontrado la ruta de acceso de la red.

Host <XXX> Trying to get remote"Program Files" directory using PsExec...

Host <XXX> Trying to get remote "ProgramData" directory using PsExec...

Host <XXX> Using directory <C:\Program Files> for Program Files and <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent> for Program Data on remote host...

Host <XXX> Creating setup directory on remote host...

Host <XXX> Copying files on remote host on directory <\\XXX\C$\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent>...

Host <XXX> *** ERROR *** Copying files on remote host:  El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada.

Host <XXX> Disconnecting from remote host...

Deployment finished (0 success, 1 failed) !
in OCS Inventory NG plugins by (120 points)

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