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RHEL Problem with SSL=0 in ocsinventory-agent.cfg


I have problem SSL = 0 option in configuration file does not work, I got error:
[Fri Jul 16 21:36:20 2021] [error] Cannot establish communication: 500 SSL_ca_file /var/lib/ocsinventory-agent/https:__ocsinventory.domaine.biz_ocsinventory/cacert.pem does not exist

An idea of the problem ?


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (850 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

I assume your server's url in the agent configuration file is something like http://<server>:<port>/ocsinventory.

Did you simply try to remove the ssl directive from the agent configuration file ?
by (800 points)
0 votes
I have some computer similar :
- Centos 7 + OCS Agent 2.4
- ssl=0 (I DON'T want set a certificate file)

- server=https://srv/ocsinventory

and a '500 SSL_ca_file' error in logfile (without connection to the server).
(The server is designed to https and use a signed certificate changing by year).

Did you resolve this incorrect error message ?

(For Debian 9/10 it's ok with same config file and without certificate)
by (20.1k points)
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0 votes
It's seems, for Centos 7 (RedHat ?), a file 'cacert.pem' is required, ... even a file of 0 bytes (touch cacert.pem) !!!

Closed for me.
by (20.1k points)
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