I have got a problem on deploying Unix Agent 2.8.0 (Mac Version): After ocs client encoded content from Inventory, Chinese strings like software names became garbled.
I have tried to alter the code and tested on my mac, and find the cause issue below:
FILE: UnixAgent/lib/Ocsinventory/Agent/Common.pm
In line: 1052
my $clean_content = encode('UTF-8', $content, Encode::FB_DEFAULT | Encode::LEAVE_SRC | Encode::FB_XMLCREF);
Chinese software name stings in "$clean_content" turned to be unnormal as UTF-8, but they are really good in "$content".
Thease are the alteration of code I have made, they are doing well so far:
1. FILE: UnixAgent/lib/Ocsinventory/Agent/XML/Inventory.pm
In line: 116
#return $clean_content;
return $content;
Would you please rebuild an "OCS Inventory Pkg Setup.pkg" for us to make Chinese compatible?