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IpDiscover working not correctly


I have new installed Debian 11 and OCS inventory 2.9.2  on this tutorial .

After install OCS Inventory Agent Version or and waiting 2 days  IpDiscovery GUI is empty.

Next on windows Agent execute OCSInventory.exe /ipdisc="" /debug=2

in agents logs 

AGENT => IpDiscover required by /IPDISC on network

IPDISCOVER => Scanning to detect IPv4 enabled hosts for network <> with <100> ms between 

IPDISCOVER => Computer found @IPv4: @MAC:70:4D:7B:84:94:64 NAME:pugachev.samadm.local

and many other device

after waiting 2 hoyrs IpDiscovery GUI is empty.

ok, next on Server execute

ipdiscover-util.pl -network=

after 1 or 2 hours in IpDiscovery GUI started showing up, but isn't not correctly 

screen 0

comps in inventory list

screen 1

and this comps in non-inventory list

screen 2

Where search error.log   ?

And how to launch correctly IpDiscovery ?

sorry for my english 

thank you very much in advance

in IP Discover by (180 points)

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