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file created by Packager keeps on asking for pwd


I'm trying to create an installer for our domain clients using Windows Packager 2.8.0 but whatever I do the generated package keeps on asking to provide an admin account when I try to install it as a regular user.

The folder I run OCSPackager from contains 

  • OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe (2.9.00_x64)
  • CaCert.pem
  • PsExec.exe and PsExec64.exe  (I also tried renaming PsExec64.exe to PsExec.exe but that made no difference)

My command-line options look like:   /S /server=https://inventory/ocsinventory /notag

As 'account credentials to run the installation' I tried the domain administrator account (tried both with @my.domain and DOMAIN\) and a local admin account.  

When I try to execute the resulting 'OcsPackage.exe' it always asks for an administrator username and password.

Client OS: Windows 10

Any idea what I could be doing wrong?  Are there any logs that could contain more information?

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (260 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
OCS suggest three ways for installing agent (starting from OCS-Agent-Setup.exe)

- manual (each computer one by one) : it's possible to create simple batch in 1 line

- deploy by gpo using Packager : ocs packager produce a .exe file from ocs-Setup.exe and all parameter set and certificate if needed

- deploy using psexec (with simple batch) : remote execution of simple batch (you need to have access or copy to ocs-Setup.exe and certificate if needed)

Due Packager IS NOT appropriate for update agent, IMHO you need to consider to try simple batch. When a simple batch is a success, it's easy to deploy with psexec for a large set of computer ...

NB : when you execute ocs-Setup.exe (or package produced by Packager), it's mandatory to execute as Local Admin (and the service use the System Account).

NB : psexec has to be executed from 1 station for launching on a remote computer a command (batch ou exe). Never you deploy psexec, you deploy USING psexec !
by (20.2k points)
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0 votes
(I don't seem to be able to respond to the answer)

I'm trying to perform an unattended install of OCS-Agent via gpo (option 2) but that requires ocs packager which I'm having problems with. I'm less concerned about updates for OCS-Agent.

Deploying via psexec doesn't suit my workflow very well as that's a manual action from a secondary machine which is hard to combine with a fully automated install.  Also it relies on the pc's being online and reachable.
by (260 points)
0 votes
I not agree with you

- gpo require Packager : No, and gpo is not the unique way to install

- less concerned : if you use OCS, it will be for years, so you WILL be concerned in upgrade agent (and may be certificate) : Packager could be used for initial, NOT for upgrade

- psexec don't suit : No, psexec is very simple and efficient, it's easy to deploy from a server, or manually or by batch for a list of computer

I worked for a company who stay his OCS server and agent at 2.0.5 (=2012) : nearly 9k computers contact server each days. And I did the job to upgrade the solution : I breaked lot of (false) ideas. (And not only for Windows Agents !)

Try script and psexec ...
by (20.2k points)
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