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office keys plugin

Hi, I would like to install office keys plugin so I have downloaded and installed it. During the installation steps all seems to works correctly but  All seems to works correctly except that I can't find any office product keys information in ocsreports. I even tried to copy the msofficekey.vbs in the plugin agent folder but even non product keys office info I can find in ocsreports.

This plugin continue to works even in recent versions of ocs agents even in win10/win11?

Best regards

in OCS Inventory NG plugins by (420 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
In effect, if correctly installed, there is a new "Office Key Management" item in extensions menu and I can find the office product keys but only the last five chars: it is normal? There is a way to have the full office product key?

Best regards

by (420 points)
0 votes
OK, seems that depends on office version installed. Please someone use the office key plugin? There is no way to have the full product key and not only the last 5 digits for the office 2016?

by (420 points)
0 votes
how did you install the plugin? on the client? I try but it does not give 
me the data not even to the ocs reports server, 
and as for your doubt since 2016 
all office licenses only deliver the last 5 digits
by (140 points)
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