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ERR_BUILD on agent deployment

How to solve this error?

[Wed Aug 24 17:33:15 2022][debug] Success downloading 1661372830-1 file...

[Wed Aug 24 17:33:15 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a fragment latency => 10 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:33:25 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a cycle latency => 60 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:34:25 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a cycle latency => 60 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:35:25 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a cycle latency => 60 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:36:25 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a cycle latency => 60 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:37:25 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a cycle latency => 60 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][debug] [download] Download of 1661372830... Finished.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][debug] [download] Execute orders for package 1661372830.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][info] [download] Building package for 1661372830.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][info] [download] Checking signature for ./1661372830/tmp/build.tar.gz.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][debug] [download] Digest format: Hexadecimal

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][debug] [download] Digest algo: MD5

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][debug] [download] Digest OK...

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][error] [download] Cannot extract 1661372830 with tar, trying with unzip.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][error] [download] Cannot extract 1661372830 with unzip.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:25 2022][debug] [download] Sending message for 1661372830, code=ERR_BUILD.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:26 2022][info] [download] Cleaning 1661372830 package.

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:26 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a fragment latency => 10 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:38:36 2022][debug] [download] Now pausing for a cycle latency => 60 seconds

[Wed Aug 24 17:39:37 2022][info] [download] No more package to download.

[Wed Aug 24 17:39:37 2022][debug] [download] End of work...


  • S Name :
  • Distribution :
  • Linux x86_64
  • Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS


  • PHP Version :
  • Web Server :
  • Database Server :
  • Version OCSReports:
OCS AGENT                       
Tested with the zipped and unzipped file.
  • 7.4.3
  • Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
  • MySQL Community Server - GPL version 8.0.30
  • 2.9.2
2.9.1 and 2.9.3 ubuntu 22.04 LTS

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (220 points)
edited by

4 Answers

+1 vote
Log of agent (in debug mode) : Good !

Information on creation of package : Bad !

IMHO, the fragment '1661372830-1' is NOT a compressed file, so the agent could not do nothing

The doc is https://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/05.Deployment/Deploying-packages-or-executing-commands-on-client-hosts/

For a linux package, the package need to be compressed using tar gz, for a windows package, the package need to be compressed using zip.

(Please note I don't try the new way of building package starting from 2.9; allways I use the previous way : create a folder, put files in the folder, zip or tar files, ...)

(I try to create a package type Execute with only the command : it's don't be ok ! If you want execute a command, you MUST create a script which launch the command, create the package with launching the script !)
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
I tried the way you said and it didn't work, do you have any ideas?

Add server and agent info.
by (220 points)
+1 vote
A package has a timestamp : 1661372830 = Wednesday 24 August 2022 20:27:10 (cf https://www.epochconverter.com/)

In folder /download/1661372830 there is 2 files (or more) : info and 1661372830-1 (and -2 ...).

The 'info' file give informations about usage of package : type (store/execute), action to launch, ... (usually the file downloaded using https)

The xxxx-1 file is fragment of file supplyed by package : allways it's a compressed file (zip for Windows, tar gz for Linux).


For testing, you need to get the file : read 'info' file = is it correct ?, get fragment, rename it as .zip extract it = is it correct ?
by (20.2k points)
0 votes

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"
HI, It seems the problem is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS it works, do you have any ideas?
by (220 points)
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