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Release 2.12.3 available

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Change time to deploy package


Does somebody know how to change the estimated time to deploy an active package ?

Here is the screenshot:

in OCS Inventory NG plugins by (590 points)

8 Answers

0 votes
Why do you want change the 'estimated time' ?

IMHO the 'estimated time' depend only of the size of the package, and can't be changed : it's a measure of time to download the package, and therefore it give an idea of an delay

- 'there is a package' to run

- download of package (= N fragments in 'estimated time')

- rebuild package (this is quick)

- run the package
by (19.9k points)
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0 votes

I'm trying to download a package but I don't know why, it's still in the status 'WAITING NOTIFICATION".

I checked the ocs documentation and it's say the reason is because the "Server is waiting for agent communication to notify there is something to download." 

the problem is that I don't know how to restart the agent communication so that he can do that.

by (590 points)
0 votes
It's another question !

For Windows, the more simpler is to run systray application (when you install you have ability to run systray when computer start) : with systray it's easy to start agent (even you are not local administrator). Else the agent is a service, so it could run more than once a day ... else you can launch 'ocsinventory-agent' (with '/force').

For Linux, see crontab or simply run 'ocsinventory-agent' (I suggest set a logfile and use --debug)
by (19.9k points)
0 votes
I launched ocsinventory-agent with force but it still doesn't change the status.

Do you know something about the plugin 'listprinters' ?
It's this plugin that I am trying to get working
by (590 points)
0 votes
Are you sure you do everything : activating package, affect package to computers ?

Did you try manually download the package ?

Did you read ALL log files (for agent and on server) ?
by (19.9k points)
0 votes
I did everything : I actived the package, I affected to my computer and I also tried to download the package manually and restart the ocs inventory agent with force but it doesn't change anything.

What is it about the log files ? What I am suppose to see in there?
by (590 points)
0 votes
For Linux, you indicate the log in the line 'logfile=' in cfg files.

For Windows, the log files is %programdata%\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\ocsinventory.log. Also you have 'download.log' about details for package.
by (19.9k points)
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0 votes
ok thank you for answering to ONE of my question.

but I'd also like to know
WHAT I'm suppose to look at in this files to resolve my problem
by (590 points)
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