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virus in ocspackage.exe

Hi,I have analyse the ocspackage.exe with Totalvirus. 3 antivirus have detected 3 abnormalities with this file :

error : Malicious (Detected by SecureAge) | W32.AIDetect.malware2 (Detected by Bkav Pro) 

MachineLearning/Anomalous.93% (detected by Malwarebytes

I have download the OCS-Windows-Packager-2.8 from the official ocs inventory page.

Does someone know if they are a false alarme ?

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (590 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
I think that is a false positive


it is normal that a program that is able to distribute other programs may trigger an alarm in some virus scanners.
However, since the major antivirus engines do not report any hits, I would personally use the program without worry.

Such a packager can hardly be programmed without antivirus products being able to find such a program at least as a suspect

Kind regards

by (25.1k points)
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