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OCS Agent reporting wrong Windows OS ver

Hey there,

I've been fiddling around with OCS, one hell of a tool for IT purposes.

Now, I've done my share of searching for this and apart from the odd "bug" hit on git-hub and the like, I haven't really found an answer for this.

So, a workstation I've been messing around with has Win 10 Pro. All good. Now, when checking that specific PC over at OCS I noticed that it was listed as Win 8 and the "domain" field was blank.

Checked the agent and wouldn't you know it, the agent also reports Win 8 to OCS, so the culprit is most likely the workstation itself.

I've been trying to narrow it down to something specific so I can address this, not a big issue, but still I'd like to know what's what and how I could possibly resolve this.

Any ideas? For starters, where does the agent pull the information from? registry and winver and sysinfo and whathaveyou, all report the correct version (Win 10 Pro).

What am I missing?

Thanks you in advance!!!
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

this has never happened to me, and i manage a lot of computers. can you type the following in the command line ?

wmic os get Caption,CSDVersion /value

What is the result ?

by (24.2k points)
0 votes
Hi. I guess I have the same problems.

I am using OCS with i-doit and was wondering why I suddenly have Windows 8 clients. When checking OCS it showed Windows 8. An hour later it was Windows 10 again.

Sometimes it doesn't show any OS at all. Later I realized that in this case the serial number and motherboard serial number are also wrong. It seems that OCS is filling in missing data in this case. All I can tell so far is that all of these clients were turned off at the time. When turned on, the inventory data was always imported correctly. It could have something to do with shutdown/restart/sleep or perhaps Windows power saving features.
The problem is unfortunately a bit annoying because I am either constantly creating new duplicates in i-doit or the kategories are overwritten with incorrect data in case of a matching
by (140 points)
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