After installing the plugins in ocs-server and copying the plugins to the endpoints in the agent path. When I run an inventory collection through the agent, I can see the following in the OCSInventory.log of ProgramData.
AGENT => Inventory required
AGENT => Launching hardware and software checks
ERROR *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Executable plugin <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\winusers.ps1> output is not a valid XML document
AGENT => Sending Inventory
INVENTORY => Inventory changed since last run
AGENT => Inventory successfully sent
AGENT => Communication Server asked for Package Download
AGENT => Unloading communication provider
AGENT => Unloading plug-in(s)
AGENT => Execution duration: 00:05:26.
The winusers.ps1 script is the official script as of today.
But it doesn't only happen with this script, it happens with all the scripts I have added, they are plugins downloaded and installed from the official OCS website.
The error "output is not a valid XML document" happens to me with other plugins as well. Maybe I'm missing something?
Thanks, best regards.