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Plugins not working on Windows

Hi team, i have some plugins installed on Windows that are not working and retrieving information due to the error below:

EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Found executable plugin <winusers.ps1>

WARNING *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Executable plugin <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\winusers.ps1> output is not UTF-8 encoded or an XML document, trying to UTF-8 encode

WARNING *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Executable plugin <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\winusers.ps1> output encoded to UTF-8, trying to reload XML document

ERROR *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Executable plugin <C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\winusers.ps1> output is not a valid XML document

Plugins with the following error are:
Winusers, gpresults
I tried to install older versions of the plugins and agents and still not working.
GPResult --> Version 1
Winusers --> Version 4
OCSInventory Agent --> Version
If i run the powershell file it returns the info correctly it appears to be the XML conversion format
Can someone help please?
in OCS Inventory NG plugins by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

my company has developed more than 60 exclusive plugins for OCS (predictive maintenance, supervision, helpdesk & IT support, status summary, multiple SNMP device type, geolocation of Windows machines, etc.)

If you want more information, please contact me privately.

Best regards, Stephane
by (32.6k points)
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