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SNMP isn't working


I try to recover my printers and switchs with SNMP but he's not working. I use the command on my server Debian 11 where OCS Inventory Server is install :

ocsinventory-agent --debug --server http://@ip/ocsinventory --nosoftware

Before that, I've configure the SNMP in OCS

When I use this command, I get this error at almost the very end :

Cannot open pid file: Permission denied at /usr/local/share/perl/5.36.0/Ocsinventory/Agent/Modules/Download.pm line 848.

But the file has the permissions.

However the printers and switchs are recovered in IpDiscover

Thanks in advance

in SNMP by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

for the snmp working you need to use https on the client connection to the server:


by (160 points)
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