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Release 2.12.3 available

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ocs-agent conections to server


i noticed that a client connects to the server when the network adapter changes...

AGENT => Inventory change forced by /NOTIFY option

AGENT => Launching hardware and software checks

AGENT => Sending Inventory

INVENTORY => Network adapters inventory state changed

is there a possibility to suppress this behavior ?

thank you
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
OCS Agent (for Windows), after install, is a service. So Agent start running with Windows up to you close Windows, and it try to connect to server 3 times a day (if computer run ~8-10 hours a day).

Usually it sent inventory each 24 hours (PROLOG_FREQ).

I'm not sure there is someting about Network Adapters change : if yours adapters changes something it could be accurate to have inventory adjusted, no ?
by (19.8k points)
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