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Release 2.12.3 available

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agent on AIX

With the agent in the current version 2.10 on an AIX 7.3. I still have the following 2 problems:
1.)  the following warning messages appear during execution:

0516-1396 : The physical volume hdisk1, was not found in the
system database.
0516-306 lslv: Unable to find  hdisk0 in the Device
        Configuration Database.
0516-306 lslv: Unable to find  hdisk1 in the Device
        Configuration Database.
0516-306 lslv: Unable to find  hdisk2 in the Device
        Configuration Database.
0516-306 lslv: Unable to find  hdisk3 in the Device
        Configuration Database.
0516-306 lslv: Unable to find  hdisk4 in the Device
        Configuration Database.

The named command lslv is referenced in the LVM.pm module in the agent, but I was unable to find the reason for the warning.
2) Standalone.sh in the tools of the agent does not work for AIX  and SLES. Because of this I have tried the pp of  PAR::Packer to generate a binary agen. this worked well on SLES15 but does not on AIX.
The command
pp -C -o ocsinventory-agent.bin -x ocsinventory-agent
produces this error message:

SYSTEM ERROR in executing ocsinventory-agent : 256 at /opt/freeware/share/perl5/site_perl/Module/ScanDeps.pm line 1601.

Are there any Ideas to fix one or both of my problems?


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (120 points)

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