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Release 2.12.3 available

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Extension "no data or not beeing run"


I recently deployed an ocs inventory server and the (mainly windows) agents.

Then I installed the "winusers" extension and deployed it to our windows machines.
Under the deployment page of the computers the active status is success (and the file is on the clients and can be run manually). This was a few days ago. The agents run frequency is set to 2h.

And now? Where can I find the data of winusers extension? If it "should be" under "miscellaneous page -> windows users" - there is no data avaiable.

Or do I have to configure the extension runtime or something?... what am I missing here?

thanks in advance

winusers version 4

php: 8.1.2

apache: 2.4.52

mysql: 8.0.35

ocsreports: 2.12.1
in OCS Inventory NG plugins by (160 points)
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1 Answer

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Noone an idea where I should look on?

by (160 points)
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