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Server and Agent cant communicate HTTP 403

Hi everyone,

I am having an issue when sending the agent's info on the server. I get an http 403 error when trying to access to the http://myServerIp/ocsinventory.

When installing the agent and choosing the address, I am making sure it is in the correct way (aka http://myServerIp/ocsinventory)

However the server can't receive the agent's info.

The OcsReports panel seems to be installed proprely and correctly. I have fully access to http://myServerIp/ocsreports.

I put the correct database name, username and password in the configuration files.

After checking the agent's logs, i can see that there is an http error 403, http://myServerIP/ocsinventory access being forbidden.

I have tried searching on the internet but i haven't found any solution, and I have reinstalled a second time to server to make sure I installed the server correctly.

Here's a list of what ive tried :

- Updated my system

- Install php extensions and packages required by the server

- Install and enable perl modules

- Create a database

- Download, configurate the setup.sh (with correct db user and db password) and install

- Configurate (put the correct db name, db user and db password) and enable the 3 .conf files
- Change the ownership of  the ocsinventory-reports directory to www-data user, and change the permission to 755

- And finally finishing the installation on http://MyServerIp/ocsreports, and delete the installer.

Please help


PS : Je parle français

OS Server : Ubuntu 22.04

OCS Server : 12.0

OCS Agent : 2.10.1_0

Error obtained in the agent log : ERROR *** AGENT => Failed to send Prolog <HTTP Status Code #403>
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (220 points)

5 Answers

0 votes

did you add z-oscinventory-server.conf and ocsinventory-reports.conf to httpd.conf ? Have you set the correct access to the database in this file? There are paths in the ocsinventory-reports.conf file, check if they exist in your system and if they have permissions to the Apache server

by (460 points)
0 votes

did you add z-oscinventory-server.conf and ocsinventory-reports.conf to httpd.conf ? Have you set the correct access to the database in this file? There are paths in the ocsinventory-reports.conf file, check if they exist in your system and if they have permissions to the Apache server

by (460 points)
0 votes
The most efficient is to follow a tutorial (e.g with Debian).

Then you'll need to check your configuration files, check for services running (apache2).(Setting of configuration files are part of tutorial ...)

And I suggest you install locally agent (from Debian repository) and verify the 2 main log : apache : access.log, ocs : inventory.log

(I write one and I use it some times with succes ... but I know enough which files and service sto check !)
by (20.2k points)
edited by
+1 vote

Hi slawekdw, thanks for your response.

I made sure apache has access to the files present in the ocsinventory-reports.conf file (aka making sure that apache has access to /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports folder) by using chown command and apache username being www:data. 

On my apache2.conf file (httpd), the /usr/share and /var/www directories has been added with "require all granted". The apache2.conf file hasn't been edited on the tutorials i've followed.

<Directory /usr/share>
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted

Once again, what is weird is that my OCS website works fine (http://myIP/ocsreports), but i get error 403 when trying to access to http://myIP/ocsinventory, and the agent gets the same error.

by (220 points)
0 votes
Hi jacquesh, thanks for your answer.

I did follow tutorials. There is nothing pertinent in access log

Apache error log :
ocsinventory-server: Bad setting. `GENERATE_OCS_FILES_SNMP` is not set. Default: `0`
ocsinventory-server: Bad setting. `SCAN_TYPE_IPDISCOVER` is not set. Default: `ICMP`
ocsinventory-server: Bad setting. `SCAN_TYPE_SNMP` is not set. Default: `ICMP`
ocsinventory-server: Bad setting. `IPDISCOVER_LINK_TAG_NETWORK` is not set. Default: `0`
ocsinventory-server: Bad setting. `SCAN_ARP_BANDWIDTH` is not set. Default: `256`

And for OCS, i have no files in /var/log/ocsinventory-server either ocsinventory-client
by (220 points)
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