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Access to the software recognition library

Is it possible to access the software recognition library (some vendors call this a master catalogue) that is being used to generate the records stored after a device is scanned ?

I'm interested in browsing the recognition library and also to update it with specific software not already identified (e.g. Oracle middleware)

Also, where does the recognition take place ? Within the agent or within the server ?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (400 points)

18 Answers

0 votes
quote "you still haven't told me how I can access the software recognition library ?"

You are asking again and again where to put in gasoline in a electric car and i explained to you that you have a electric car.

to make it more clear .. an electric car needs no gasline an has NO fuel tank.

There is NO Hash Library in OCS Inventory

If you would choose a more friendly tone i could only tell you how to get the mysql sofwtaredatabase. but that's somehow not what you want to know

Kind regards
by (24.2k points)
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0 votes
My original question didn't ask about hash libraries.. I was simply asking about access the recognition library (however that recognition is achieved).

So let me ask again, is it possible to access/read/browse a recognition library either in the agent or in the server ?
by (400 points)
0 votes
I don't understand what you want.

Perhaps some other guy can help

Agent inventorys the software names.. servers stores it .. and thats it.

you can make sql querys to this database on server
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
OK, let me help you...

Other software asset management inventory tools contain a library (a database) of software titles that are recognised by the tool. The recognition attributes of each title are stored in that database (display name, executable name, installation path, file size, metadata etc).

In ServiceNow, SNOW, Flexera etc it is possible to export or view this recognition database and see what titles can be recognised. In some cases it is possible to add to this recognition database to extend the quantity and accuracy of this database.

So, I'm asking how to see this library/database in OCS Inventory.. Seems like a simple request to me !
by (400 points)
0 votes
OCS-Inventory detects all software which is seen by add/remove software.

There is no extra Library which detects more software. If you want to accomplish that than you have to use plugins or registry detections in conjunction with ocs-inventory.

You can't add a specific path and tell ocs-inentory that if this path and this executable exist.. this should be addressed like extra software.

In Ocs-Inventory exist only a dictionary which you can use to lookup for specific software and there you can combine for example some versions of adobe reader or similar software to "one version" which later can be used as a source for glpi.
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
How does it work in Unix/Mac environments ?

There is no "add/remove" software in those operating systems...
by (400 points)
0 votes

OCS Inventory Agent on Unix systems detects installed software using the following methods:

  1. It parses the output of the package manager commands like rpm, dpkg, pkginfo etc. to get a list of installed packages.
  • For software not installed via package managers, it looks for specific files or directories in pre-defined locations to detect the presence of that software.

For example, it checks for the existence of certain files like java binary in /usr/bin/ to detect Java installation, or checks for the /opt/firefox/ directory to detect Firefox installation.

  1. It can also execute custom scripts or backend code to detect certain software installations that cannot be detected by the above methods.

These custom detection methods are implemented as Perl modules under the Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS:: namespace. For example, the Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Storages::Adaptec module uses code from Parse-Arcconf to detect Adaptec RAID controllers on Linux. So in summary, the Unix agent primarily relies on parsing package manager output, checking for specific files/directories, and custom detection scripts/modules to comprehensively inventory installed software on the system


I do knot know any details. Perhaps you had to ask the developpers in github

by (24.2k points)
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0 votes

and if you only want to see the "inventoried" software you can go to various criteria search and search fo example for "all software name -- is not empty" and then you see all inventoried software packages
There are different ways to see the inventoried software in OCS Inventory.

Kind regards

by (24.2k points)
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