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Release 2.12.3 available

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Problem to polling SNMP cisco devices


We have a OCS in version 2.12 installed on redhat 8.10.

I want to bring up Cisco network equipment in OCS.

I have enabled SNMP, defined my community and created a network scan for the scan.

But, nothing comes up. No equipment and no information.

I also tried to enable SNMP traps on the Cisco side, but nothing works, although the traps are sent to the server. I followed the procedure for setting up the forum but I can't do it.

Also, at the network level, I don't see the scan launching automatically.

I have defined the OCS server as the SNMP scan source.

Can I have some help please?

in OCS Inventory NG agent for MacOS X by (390 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
can someone help me please?

by (390 points)
0 votes

is snmpscan module enabled in modules.conf file ?

by (90.4k points)
0 votes

yes the module snmp is enable, modules.conf :

in the config server, snmp is enable : 

i have configured the community in "gestion ==> Administrate community snmp"

When i'm triying to do a snmpwalk on the ocs server to my cisco switch it's works :

by (390 points)
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