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how to deploy OCS PKG for Intune ?


I would like to deploy on mass MacOS, the OCS Agent for Mac in Intune

I packaged the PKG but when I transfer it in intune it says Value can't be empty

When checking signature with the Terminal (pkgutil --check-signature) : no signature

testing with another pkg app : no problem, signature ok

Any idea ?
in OCS Inventory NG agent for MacOS X by (640 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
The ocspackage has no signature.

Perhaps this work (i do not have intune)

But this artice describes that unsigned packages can be used

quote "In this post, I will show you how to deploy unmanaged macOS app using Intune."
by (25.1k points)
0 votes
Thanks @sokatra  but the OCS package (either with packager or not) is not signed....

So Intume does not want to load an unsigned package
If it can help, I found this :
"You need :

- to retrieve ID install dev from Apple dev program

- to generate certificate to sign apps and packages

- to upload and install the certificate on the Mac wallet)

- to run 2 commands in the terminal

-->  productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: name (Team ID) myapp.pkg myapp-signed.pkg where name is the exact certificate's name

- to check if it's ok
--> pkgutil --check-signature folder/myapp-signed.pkg

- to upload it to Intune"
by (640 points)
0 votes

Yes, I know the package is unsigned, but the article I linked specifically mentions unsigned apps


The unmanaged macOS PKG app type can install the following types of PKG apps:

  • Non-flat packages with a hierarchical structure
  • Component packages
  • Unsigned packages
  • Packages without a payload
  • Packages that install apps outside /Applications/
  • Custom packages with scripts

i cant test is because i do not have any of these programs

perhaps I have misjudged something

by (25.1k points)
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