are you using official plugins or sefmade plugins?
the AI says you should use something like
in the xml file quote "Return an empty plugin structure when conditions are not met:"
This structure includes a <DELETE> tag with a value of 1, indicating that the existing data should be removed
In your plugin's file, add logic to handle the deletion:
if ($xml->{PLUGIN}->{DELETE} && $xml->{PLUGIN}->{DELETE} == 1) {
# Delete existing data for this plugin
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM plugins WHERE hardware_id = ? AND name = ?", undef, $deviceId, $pluginName);
} else {
# Process normal plugin data
# ...
Update your cd_plugin.php file to check for the deletion flag:
if (isset($plugin_data['DELETE']) && $plugin_data['DELETE'] == 1) { // Remove the plugin data from the display continue; }
i'm sure you can hardly do anything with the ai stuff, but maybe it will give you some ideas