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Release 2.12.3 available

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Why does the Windows 8.1 winprodkey not match the product key I entered at install from the label on my OEM product?

The winprodkey entry does not match the key I entered.

I have 12 Windows 8.1 machines I installed from ghosted drives.  Seems I forgot to activate one.  I figured, no issue, I'll look at my OCS report and easily find which it is as I compare with my pile of keys.

No can do.  The winprodkey does not match what was entered on my 11 other machines that were all activated.  Is there a conversion algorithm available?  Or a patch?  I run Agent
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (260 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Although I could not figure out why the winprodkey is wrong, I was able to match the winproid and locate my missing product key.
by (260 points)
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