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Release 2.12.3 available

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Add new mibs in OCS or discover correctly the new devices


I neww to discover new devices in OCS.

I've made several changes in order to get correctly the information from the fiber channel model DCX FOS 7.2.1.b.

Te problem is that the information that OCS obtains from de tab of Networks isn't real. It shows that in the tab of networks, it has 86 devices and the real information is 96.

The status that it shows is off and this is not real. Nearly the rest of the information is empty except the type, the slot and the IP have information but is not real.

The log shows this information:

[Wed May 6 12:36:43 2015][debug] [snmp] Scanning device
[Wed May 6 12:36:43 2015][debug] [snmp] Load module xml 1588
[Wed May 6 12:36:43 2015][debug] [snmp] Begin xml on 1588
[Wed May 6 12:36:43 2015][debug] [snmp] Validating xml parameters
[Wed May 6 12:36:43 2015][debug] [snmp] Begin looking other scan
[Wed May 6 12:36:43 2015][debug] [snmp] Launching If_Mib
[Wed May 6 12:36:43 2015][debug] [snmp] Running If MIB module
[Wed May 6 12:36:44 2015][debug] [snmp] Launching Entity_Mib
[Wed May 6 12:36:44 2015][debug] [snmp] Running Entity MIB module
[Wed May 6 12:36:47 2015][debug] [snmp] Begin scanning v1 on 1588
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Scanning device
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Begin xml on 1588
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Validating xml parameters
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Begin looking other scan
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Launching If_Mib
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Running If MIB module
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Launching Entity_Mib
[Wed May 6 12:36:49 2015][debug] [snmp] Running Entity MIB module
[Wed May 6 12:36:52 2015][debug] [snmp] Begin scanning v1 on 1588
[Wed May 6 12:36:54 2015][debug] [snmp] Scanning device

So I understand that the xml 1588.xml it's correct. I've checked those OIDs and tested that they correspond with the information I want to discover.

Apart from that, I've copied several mibs in the path /usr/share/snmp/mibs.
Brocade-REG-MIB.txt, Brocade-TC.txt, BCCUSTOM-OPR-MIB.txt, BD-MIB.txt, BROCADE-MAPS-MIB.txt, SW-MIB.txt, FA-EXT-MIB.txt, FCMGMT-MIB.txt, SW-MIB.txt

I've loaded them with this command: snmpwalk -m ALL

And the informations is not real.

Does anybody could help me to solve this?
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (610 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

You have to adapt 188.xml file for your needs. See this documentation => http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php/Documentation:SNMPxml/fr. Sorry it's in french.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hi Frank,

I've checked that the 188.xml recovers the information I need. The OIDs are correct (I've checked it with a MIB browser program) but the information that shows OCS is not correct, that's why I need some help to correct this.

OCS shows incorrectly the number of port it has. And the information of each port isn't true as well.OCS shows that the ports are offline and this is not real.

How can I solve this?
by (610 points)
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