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msofficekey.vbs deployment

Hi all, 

I am a OCS noob and got the 2.0.5 server and agent running on debian 7.
MSofficekey is up and running and shows all information I want if I copy it by hand.

Now I try to deploy the msofficekey.vbs using 


I corrected the first line with #cs, I altered and tested the path to the share, but if I build the .exe nothing happens, not even the log-file show in the TEMP folder ..

Any help on how to deploy the msofficekey.vbs to all the computers??

Thanks a lot

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

in AD environment, use a computer gpo to deploy the plugin otherwise use a script to copy this file.

Your batch file must stop ocs service, copy the file and start the service.


by (90.5k points)
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