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Generic packaging deb with no size

Hello guys,

Context : ocsinventory-agent on a Debian system

What is wrong : installed packages with an unspecified size are not treated

File : lib/Ocsinventory/Agent/Backend/OS/Generic/Packaging/Deb.pm

Goal : the algorithm in this file lists all the packages to add them to the list of softwares. When a packages matches a defined pattern, then it is added to the software list. And if a package does not have a size, then 'Unknown size' is set for the size attribute.

Problem : when a package does not have a size, it does not match the pattern, so it is not added and the 'Unknown size' is never set.

Solution : fix the regex to match packages with no size

---if (/^(\S+)---(\S+)---(\S+)---(.*)/) {

+++if (/^(\S+)---(\S+)---(\S*)---(.*)/) {


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes


Please open an issue here => https://github.com/OCSInventory-NG/UnixAgent/issues/new

For your information : 

---if (/^(\S+)---(\S+)---(\S+)---(.*)/) { and +++if (/^(\S+)---(\S+)---(\S*)---(.*)/) { are the same



by (90.5k points)

OK, I just open an issue (https://github.com/OCSInventory-NG/UnixAgent/issues/10)

And for your information, + and * are not the same :



Lets take an example with (cron, sed, and mypackage). The script uses the following command to display the packages :

dpkg-query --show --showformat='\${Package}---\${Version}---\${Installed-Size}---\${Description}\n'

So we have the following lines displayed :

$cron---$3.0pl1-124---$300---$process scheduling daemon

$mypackage---$1.0.1-1---$---$my custom package

$sed---$4.2.1-10---$847---$The GNU sed stream editor

With the original and faulty regex /^(\S+)---(\S+)---(\S+)---(.*)/

Only cron and sed are added as softwares.

When I fix the original and faulty regex by /^(\S+)---(\S+)---(\S*)---(.*)/

Then all the packages are added as software. 


0 votes
Sorry, I've problems with my glasses ;p

Well done, thanks for the issue. This will be integrated.


by (90.5k points)

No problem.

I pushed a pull request with my fix in it (https://github.com/OCSInventory-NG/UnixAgent/pull/11).

If it is just a glasses problem, then sorry for the overkill explanation.


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