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Release 2.12.3 available

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Windows xp client don't work

Hey guys.

I'm doing an internship and i have to test some inventory soft.

I've install OCS, it's working on my local test :D 90% of the Computers on my Company are W7 so i've tried it with w7 Agent first. It works, the w7 Agent send every info i Need to the serveur.

But my Company have few Computer with XP. So i'm testing with Windows XP and... Agent isn't working.

Actually, i don't know if it's agents or serveur which is not working.

The only Thing i know is that i can't see my XP Client on my serveur :(

But the Client's instalation works. And i can watch (on my Client), his data...  

Any leed please? :)

If you Need something else just ask me.

Sorry for my english. I know it's not perfect but i'm doing my best for a frenchy crocodile. ;)
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Okay guys i fixed this by myself.

I just did a big mistake like a big noob :D

I'm using a german XP Computer, and i didn't notice that Point was coma so my @ip was wrong...

Everythings working :D
by (1k points)
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