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Release 2.12.3 available

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deploiement paquet


LOrsque je veux déployer un paquet,à chaque fois que l'agent ocs reprend contact,les fragments redémarrent à zéro?

Avez vous une réponse

in Agent for Windows development by (420 points)

6 Answers

0 votes

Des erreurs dans le fichier ocsinventory.log ou dans le fichier download.log?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Log du fichier  dowlnload.log

DOWNLOAD => Building package <1457702814>
ERROR *** DOWNLOAD => Failed to build package <1457702814>
DOWNLOAD => Building package <1459935778>
ERROR *** DOWNLOAD => Failed to build package <1459935778>

by (420 points)
0 votes

Merci de poster le contenu intégral du fichier download.log.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\ODOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-51>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-52>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-21>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-53>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-54>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-55>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-22>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-56>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-57>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-23>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-58>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-59>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-60>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-24>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-61>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-62>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-25>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-63>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-64>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-65>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-26>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-66>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-67>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-27>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-68>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-69>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-70>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-28>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-71>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-72>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-29>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-73>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-74>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-75>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-30>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-76>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-77>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-31>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-78>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-79>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-80>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-32>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-81>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-82>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-33>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-83>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-84>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-85>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-34>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-86>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-87>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-35>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-88>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-89>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-90>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-36>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => Package <1457702814> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Package <1459935778> verified and added to process queue
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-91>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-92>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1459935778-37>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-93>
DOWNLOAD => Downloading package fragment <1457702814-94>
DOWNLOAD => Building package <1457702814>
ERROR *** DOWNLOAD => Failed to build package <1457702814>
DOWNLOAD => Building package <1459935778>
ERROR *** DOWNLOAD => Failed to build package <1459935778>
DOWNLOAD => Starting new period of 10 cycles
DOWNLOAD => Parsing directory <C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\download> for packages
DOWNLOAD => No package found, exiting
DOWNLOAD => Unloading communication provider
DOWNLOAD => Execution duration: 04:04:38.
by (420 points)
0 votes

Y-a-t-il suffisamment d'espace libre sur le poste de travail où les paquets sont déployés?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
oui,il y a assez  d'espace de libre
by (420 points)
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