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Agent does not update the inventory


I have a problem with my agent windows and Mac , when you install the agent in the event viewer this error unfolds constantly and does not update the inventory :

Service encounter Error < Failed to load / parse last inventory state> .

The server is a Windows 2008 and agents for Windows 8 and Mac .

And I made various changes and reinstalls the agent does not work.

I appreciate the help , greetings .


Tengo un problema con mi agente de windows y Mac, al instalar el agente en el event viewer se desplega este error constantemente y no actualiza el inventario:

Service encounter error <Failed to load/parse last inventory state>.

EL servidor es un windows 2008 y los agentes  para  windows 8 y Mac.

Ya hice diferentes cambios y reinstalaciones del agente pero no funciona.

Agradezco la ayuda, saludos.

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Post ocsinventory.log agent file content. But as I see your error message it seems to be SSL the problem. Verify that SSL is disabled in ocsinventory.ini file for Windows clients and in ocsinventory-agent.cfg file for Mac.


by (90.5k points)
Thanks Frank

I don't find this files in the pc with installed agent.

And the server ocs don't exist this files.

Thanks regards
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