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OCS and launch windows command to add a planed task


I have a question ?

I need to create a planed tasked with all station of my inventory.

I try to launch

schtasks /create /tn "New Task" /tr "\"%ProgramFiles%\TheGreenBow\TheGreen\conf.exe\" /open:vpnconf" /sc onstart

I try this command by Launch

and try to execute a script with this command in the batch script.

in two case it's create an error

however when I excecute localy this command or with a script, there are no error and the task is add on the system.

So my question ? is it possible to used schtasks command via OCS.

Thanks in advence for your answer.

Best Regards.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (420 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
it ist definitly possible to use the task scheduler - it depends on your OS

i used it to deploy a program - but i remember that it was a problem to deploy the openvpn client because of some signed driver issues

this command should start a script which installs a program

set taskvar1=once

SCHTASKS /Create /F /V1 /Z /SC %taskvar1% /TN "OCSDeploy" /RU "" /TR "%windir%\temp\ocstask.cmd" /ST %hhmm%

to get the time please look here

by (25.1k points)
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