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Release 2.12.3 available

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COM SERVER => HTTP Post response received <HTTP Status Code # 404>

I am not able to configure Agent Windows in my company ...

When attempting to communicate with the server, this occurs:

===================================================================== ============================
Starting OCS Inventory NG Agent on Thursday, January 05, 2017 16:08:15.
AGENT => Running OCS Inventory NG Agent Version
AGENT => Using OCS Inventory NG FrameWork Version
AGENT => Loading plug-in (s)
DLL PLUGIN => Searching for Plug-in DLL (s) in folder <C: \ Program Files (x86) \ OCS Inventory Agent \ plugins>
DLL PLUGIN => 0 DLL Plug-in (s) succesfully loaded on 0 DLL (s) found
AGENT => Using network connection with Communication Server
COM PROVIDER => Loading Communication Provider <C: \ Program Files (x86) \ OCS Inventory Agent \ ComHTTP.dll>
AGENT => Using Communication Provider <OCS Inventory NG cURL Communication Provider> Version <>
AGENT => Sending getLabel request
COM SERVER => Initializing cURL library for getFile
COM SERVER => Using cURL with server authentication
COM SERVER => Disabling cURL proxy support
COM SERVER => Enabling cURL SSL server validation support using CA Bundle <C: \ ProgramData \ OCS Inventory NG \ Agent \ cacert.pem>
COM SERVER => Sending fileGet request to URL <>
COM SERVER => fileGet response received <HTTP Status Code # 404>
COM SERVER => Cleaning cURL library
AGENT => Failed to retrieve Label <HTTP Status Code # 404>
AGENT => Sending Prolog
DID_CHECK => Read DeviceID <INF04-2017-01-05-15-31-50> and MACs <D8: D3: 85: 92: 6A: E900: 09: 0F: FE: 00: 0108: 11: 96: DA : 08: AC08: 11: 96: DA: 08: AD08: 11: 96: DA: 08: AD> in file <ocsinventory.dat>
COM SERVER => Initializing cURL library for sendRequest
COM SERVER => Using cURL with server authentication
COM SERVER => Disabling cURL proxy support
COM SERVER => Enabling cURL SSL server validation support using CA Bundle <C: \ ProgramData \ OCS Inventory NG \ Agent \ cacert.pem>
COM SERVER => Sending HTTP Post request to URL <>
COM SERVER => HTTP Post response received <HTTP Status Code # 404>
COM SERVER => Cleaning cURL library
ERROR *** AGENT => Failed to send Prolog <HTTP Status Code # 404>
AGENT => Unloading communication provider
AGENT => Unloading plug-in (s)
AGENT => Execution duration: 00:00:00.

I have been trying to solve the problem for 4 days, but I can not find the right answers to solve my problem ..

I'm using the OCS InventoryNG 2.1.2

Already tried with all the versions of agents that I found
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (260 points)

5 Answers

0 votes

Verify that mod_perl is installed and enabled on your ocs server. Which distro on your ocs server?

Which is the result of from your browser? It should be error 400.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
When I access the I get error message:

Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the address (URL) manually, please double-check the syntax of the address.

If you believe you have encountered a problem with the server, please contact the webmaster.

Error 404
Apache / 2.4.23 (Win32) OpenSSL / 1.0.2h PHP / 5.6.28
by (260 points)
0 votes

When parsing XAMPP this message appears on the PERL


PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Supportenabled
PCRE Library Version8.38 2015-11-23
by (260 points)
0 votes

OCS runs with mod_perl module. So the error "error 404" is normal. You have'nt installed mod_perl on your server. This module is mandatory. I don't have a procedure for installing mod_perl on Windows.
For your information : we recommend to install OCS server on linux not on Windows.


by (90.5k points)
install ocs ubuntu
0 votes
Hello Frank

I installed an Ubuntu server, and would like to know if you have any step-by-step manual for me to install OCS Inventory ...

by (260 points)
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