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Release 2.12.3 available

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ocs inventory not display information for all agents [closed]

Good afternoon

Install the server ocsinventory after several attempts, install the agent on a total of 6 computers in the office but at the time of checking on the server, only 3 computers are shown, I do not know what step could support me.

 sorry for my English

closed with the note: Problem solved by user.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (320 points)
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5 Answers

0 votes

What ?
by (4.9k points)
0 votes


install the agent on a total of 6 computers in te office but at the of checking on the server, only 3 computers are shown, i do not know what step could  support me. 

The last update of the server it was the day 31/01/2017

by (320 points)
0 votes
Can you provide me the logs of one of the agent that aren't shown please ?

You can find it at C:\Programdata\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\ocsinventory.log
by (4.9k points)
0 votes

Thanks for the answer, today disables the windows firewall and I UPDATE 

the inventory !!, I use windows 10 as a server. What port do I have 

available for this to function even by activating the firewall

by (320 points)
0 votes

By default OCS server use port 80. But you can change it if you want.


by (90.5k points)
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