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Release 2.12.3 available

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On OCS Inventory(windows) how to fix error HTTP/1.1 404 Not found?....

First of all, im using Windows 7 P for both OCS, is that possible right?

If its, how to fix that problem :  how to fix error HTTP/1.1 404

Im trying to add an XML file and that error appears, im like a newbie in this things , i have been searching but couldnt find any solution,


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It would be much easier for you if you used linux (Debian 8 or CentOS 7)
If it is necessary just NAT a Linux virtual machine on your windows 7 system
The OCS Inventory server for windows is deprecated and a lot of problems and fixes have been added to the latest version of OCS (which is only available on linux/unix systems).
Please refer to this documentation (still in progress) to understand how to build OCS Inventory Server on Linux :
by (640 points)
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