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Compile Agent 2.3.0 Makefile.msvc.names missing in curl 7.53.1

Hy, i try to compile the agent with VS 2013, but i am not able to do that because of so many errors.

The file


is missing in


so the OCS_Make_Required_Libs.bat will fail

I have to copy the Makefile.msvc.names

from an old curl-83.40.2

after copying this file to the winbuild directory


the OCS_Make_Required_Libs.bat completes with success

i also have to set the path in the OCS_Make_Requiered_libs.bat to

set CURL_PATH=C:\WindowsAgent-2.3\External_Deps\curl-7.53.1\src

instead of

set CURL_PATH=C:\WindowsAgent-2.3\External_Deps\curl-7.53.1

Just for your information -perhaps you can add this information to the readme file

Kind regards
in Agent for Windows development by (25.2k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Can you post here the file too from the old curl? I was unable to generate libcurl_imp.lib
by (240 points)
edited by
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